Being agile helps you thrive and grow In a world where roughly one-third of workloads The mindset that supersedes these practices and Since its launch, are in the cloud, migrating and sitting back distinguishes Continuum Competitors from up- to enjoy the ride is not a winning strategy. and-comers is one of agility. During the pandemic, TeleConsult has For instance, it’s smart to build on cloud with agility in the cloud has helped organizations not edge, leverage PaaS services to assemble and only survive, but thrive and grow. helped several consume newer capabilities, and adopt and apply AI/ML technologies on your data and Genie Solutions solves hundred medical processes. If you don’t take those extra steps, you for telehealth simply won’t see the boost in growth, revenue professionals each and innovation that your competitors enjoy. Genie Solutions, for example, is an Australian conduct thousands The key is to couple technology adoption with software company that helps medical professionals practices that bring discipline and help you tackle the complexity of running a successful of virtual visits. change your non-technology areas at the pace of practice. Due to the sudden uptick in demand for computational improvements. As evidence, look virtual health visits, providers had to quickly come at Continuum Competitors, who temper their up with a solution. Enter TeleConsult, an end-to-end high technology adoption by following at least telehealth work昀氀ow solution for medical specialists. With much of their IT infrastructure already on AWS, four out of six practices (referenced in 昀椀gure 5). setting up the tool with Amazon Chime was a quick They adopt 25 to 80 percent more technologies process—taking less than two weeks to create the (depending on industry and region), while delivering far better outcomes. 昀椀rst iteration. Ever–ready for every opportunity 22

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