10 Continuum Creating the future Competitors you choose y) 5 Continuum Competitors secure their enviable position through o industr a combination of 1) choosing the right type of cloud and cloud- e t based services across the Continuum to address business elativ needs, and 2) implementing advanced practices to leverage s (r 0 those technologies, which allows them to use the cloud to propel actice innovation and business growth (Figure 2). This enables them to reimagine and reinvent their business altogether through continuous innovation, powered by various -5 types of cloud capabilities that operate seamlessly across Cloud Continuum pr Migration only the Continuum. In other words, Continuum Competitors take advantage of cloud capabilities and develop the mindset of applying them across their business, to create a unique market position. -10 -15 -10 -5 0 Wherever you are on your cloud journey, it’s important to Adoption of cloud and cloud-enabled technologies (relative to industry) understand the Cloud Continuum—and this report shows the opportunities available if you leverage it. The choices you make, along with the speed and pro昀椀ciency of execution, will Figure 2: Finding Continuum Competitors dictate whether you lead or follow in the next three to 昀椀ve years, Continuum Competitors (purple dots) distinguish themselves from beginners on the accelerating growth during less tumultuous times and better Continuum (black dots) and those still in migration (grey dots) by getting two things right: positioned to withstand unexpected future shocks. Choosing the right type of cloud and complementary technologies from across the Continuum, and implementing advanced, Cloud Continuum practices to leverage those technologies. These decisions enable them to quickly adapt to changes by capturing feedback on products and services on an on-going basis. Ever–ready for every opportunity 8

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