Mixing it up at Munters Munters is another organization that illustrates how an organization can use the Continuum to reimagine and reinvent the employee experience. The maker of energy-ef昀椀cient air treatment and cooling systems for industrial and agricultural applications found onsite client visits were dif昀椀cult during the pandemic. So, they enabled engineers to use mixed reality, powered by Vuzix Smart Glasses, to collaborate remotely with clients via real-time video, images, gestures, real objects and more. These glasses could be plugged into their enterprise resource planning (ERP) and asset management systems by technology partner IFS Cloud, powered by Azure. Today, this experience is used by more than 200 of Munters’ engineers worldwide. Forced by the pandemic to provide their customers unique experiences and serve them in new—virtual—ways, some companies compressed their digital transformation during the pandemic and Leapfrogged to higher performance level. To learn more, read about the Leapfroggers here. Ever–ready for every opportunity 32

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