CRM%2C%20and%20predictive%20maintenance 3M eyes digital transformation with C3 IoT, May 17, 2020. https:// transformation-c3-iot In the News: With machine learning, manufacturing giant 3M innovates products old and new, November 21, 2019. https:// learning-manufacturing-giant-3m-innovates-products-old-and- new/ 3M Health Information Systems Case Study, Amazon Web Services, 2016. studies/3M-health-information-systems/ 3M explores new label-as-a-service concept with blockchain on Azure to stop counterfeit pharmaceuticals, April 5, 2018. https:// Interview: 3M’s Road to IoT, June 19 2017. https://www.iotcentral. io/blog/3m-blog Open Source at re:Invent 2017, November 22, 2017. https://aws. IKEA Ikea on how Google Cloud has helped it cope with COVID- induced shifts in customer demand, 27 Oct 2020. https://www. Cloud-has-helped-it-cope-with-Covid-induced-shifts-in- customer-demand Ever–ready for every opportunity 46

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