For instance, 44 percentof the organizations we surveyed reported they Composable tech is not expect the interoperability of their applications to significantly change how they report and track environmental impact over the next three-to-five just about accelerating years.10 On top of that, being able to share data in a multiplatform world may soon make or break a company; our research found only 54 percent the path to financial of the companies we surveyed ranked their ability to combine and analyze their data within their partner/supplier ecosystem as high, and it dropped a 11 value. Rather, it is also a further 10 percent within their industry. Composable tech gives us the opportunity to change that by unlocking the value of an organization’s key driver for unlocking data once and for all. value faster through greater innovation, reinvented experiences and strategic outcomes. 44% expect the interoperability of their applications to change how they report on sustainability Composing for agility in the era of compressed transformation 16

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