In an unpredictable world, the ability to quickly adapt to new circumstances, adopt new technologies and Figure 1 Uncertainty and compressed transformation otherwise remain nimble allows companies to thrive. In the last two years, one in two companies have had to transform multiple parts With the integration of these technologies, people and of their business at the same time or execute a single large transformation much processes, companies can untangle value from chaos faster than ever before. and accelerate growth. During the COVID-19 crisis, i.e., the last 2 years, my organization has (agree + strongly agree) To learn more about the value of agility, we surveyed 4,000+ C-suite respondents from mid- to large companies. We found that in the last two years alone, one in two have had to transform multiple parts of their business at the same time or execute a single large transformation much faster than ever before. We call this compressed transformation (Figure 1). N = 4053 Note: The percentages represent aggregate of respondents selecting “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” Note: The percentages represent aggregate of respondents selecting “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”

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