2.Utilize composable tech Composable tech builds flexibility into the future proofing—giving organizations the Composable heart of organizations so they can cope with dexterity to quickly adopt the technologies Tech Defined the effects of disruption through faster, better of tomorrow. and cheaper transformation. It requires shifting However, the greatest benefit of Composable tech is proven, from a technology architecture of static, composable tech may be seamless repeatable solutions that standalone parts to one of composable pieces. data analysis and sharing. With data can be configured and In practice, this involves using prebuilt, flowing between connected applications, reconfigured at speed to interoperable solutions to swap and plug-and- companies can easily share information address changing business play smaller application components, creating with the entire organization so everyone needs. This compresses new applications without wider disruption. is on the same page, creating a common transformation, setting These solutions are often curated for specific purpose and driving better decisions. the stage for rapid value industries and functions and act as a form of realization.

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