When we surveyed 1,260 C-suite respondents from mid-to large companies in Europe, we found that in the last two Figure 1 Uncertainty and compressed transformation years alone, one in two have had to execute a single large In the last two years, one in two companies in Europe, like their global counterparts, have transformation much faster than ever before and 40% have had to transform multiple parts of their business at the same time or execute a single large had to transform multiple parts of their business at the transformation much faster than ever before. same time. We call this compressed transformation During the COVID-19 crisis, i.e., the last 2 years in Europe, (Figure 1). The results are similar to their peers in North my organization has (agree + strongly agree) America and AAPAC (Africa and Asia-Pacific). Speed 48% 50% 51% The question is: Adopted tech and transformed business much faster than ever before How did they do it? Scope 40% 40% 38% 41% Transformed multiple parts of the business at the same time Scale 37% 36% 40% Handled exponential growth in online business/hybrid work arrangements North America APAC & Africa Europe N= 1501 (NA), 1193 (APAC & Africa), 1260 (Europe) Note: The percentages represent an aggregate of respondents selecting “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” Value untangled 7

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