Introduction Our devices may be always on. But our research found people and business. In fact, organizations in which that only one in six people feels highly connected—in a people feel highly connected to each other, their leaders human sense—at work. And not just connected to their and their work, stand to gain a 7.4% revenue growth boost organization, but to the people they work for and with. per year. Read on to learn how to create value through Trust within teams is declining, too. Only one in 昀椀ve people omni-connected experiences. feels comfortable sharing problems or raising con昀氀icts with colleagues. Only one in four report that leaders are responsive to their needs, communicate regularly and feels that team members are treated equally. Think about that for a moment. Only a small fraction of any team—your team—feel like they are truly connecting on a human level. Value at stake Technology has and continues to be an essential Organizations in which people feel highly accelerator of human connection—helping people learn, connected to each other, their leaders and collaborate and turn data to insight. Organizations now their work, stand to gain a 7.4% revenue must take the next step and turn these interactions into growth boost per year. omni-connected experiences that create value for both From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 3

From always connected to omni-connected - Page 3 From always connected to omni-connected Page 2 Page 4