From always connected to omni-connected

Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences

om always connected F r to omni-connected Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences From insights to action, the path to extraordinary value starts here.

Contents Introduction 03 19 Our change journey in action Make the (omni) connection 04 De昀椀ning omni-connected experiences 22 About the research 09 Creating value though omni-connected 24 experiences: 4 key actions From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 2

Introduction Our devices may be always on. But our research found people and business. In fact, organizations in which that only one in six people feels highly connected—in a people feel highly connected to each other, their leaders human sense—at work. And not just connected to their and their work, stand to gain a 7.4% revenue growth boost organization, but to the people they work for and with. per year. Read on to learn how to create value through Trust within teams is declining, too. Only one in 昀椀ve people omni-connected experiences. feels comfortable sharing problems or raising con昀氀icts with colleagues. Only one in four report that leaders are responsive to their needs, communicate regularly and feels that team members are treated equally. Think about that for a moment. Only a small fraction of any team—your team—feel like they are truly connecting on a human level. Value at stake Technology has and continues to be an essential Organizations in which people feel highly accelerator of human connection—helping people learn, connected to each other, their leaders and collaborate and turn data to insight. Organizations now their work, stand to gain a 7.4% revenue must take the next step and turn these interactions into growth boost per year. omni-connected experiences that create value for both From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 3

De昀椀ning omni-connected experiences From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results

Omni-connected experiences level the 4 key actions to create value through playing 昀椀eld so everyone can have an equitable experience and participate omni-connected experiences fully—regardless of location. Through these experiences people are able to forge relationships, create both personal and 1 2 3 4 business value and impact, and grow their careers. What omni-connected Instill modern Grow a thriving Enable the agile Empower people experiences are NOT leadership culture organization through technology Lead with empathy, Nurture cultural norms Take 昀氀exibility further Provide access to Omni-connected experiences do not mean compassion, that prioritize purpose, and scale new ways a robust foundation and being always on or connected 24/7. Quite transparency and authenticity and of working the ability to experiment trustworthiness psychological safety the opposite. People who bene昀椀t from omni-connected experiences have stronger relationships within their organization. As a result, they can more easily step away from work and disconnect in a good way— to strengthen their resilience, fuel their creativity and remain highly productive. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 5

The omni-connected premium People and business both bene昀椀t from omni-connected experiences in meaningful ways: Financial: Omni-connected companies Productivity: Of employees who bene昀椀t experience a 7.4% revenue growth premium from omni-connected experiences, over 90% 1 per year. say they can be productive anywhere—and that’s not just perception. In a 2021 study by Trust: People bene昀椀ting from omni-connected the University of Chicago and the Mexico experiences are 29% more likely to experience Autonomous Institute of Technology, 40% a deeper level of trust toward their organization of respondents found their work-from-home and team. Where there’s greater trust, people productivity to be greater than when they’re are 35% more likely to deliver high-quality work on-site (just 15% felt the opposite).2 Leadership has actually very li琀琀le to do with and nurture work relationships that, among Yet only 17% of the people we surveyed felt " other things, foster innovation. you. It actually has to do with everybody else. they were bene昀椀tting from omni-connected It’s simple—enable somebody else’s success. Be Retention: Being omni-connected accounts experiences at work. The opportunity is a good person, be a good partner, care about for 59% of an employee’s intention to stay. there to seize. When the cultural norms of the company have them and really mean it. When you do that, people feeling that they work for a purposeful you’ll be surprised at the success you can have organization, that they can create value and be effective in their team, they’re more likely to as a team.”3 stay. These all matter more than a slightly bigger paycheck. Beth Ford, President & CEO, Land O’Lakes From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 6

Why this matters now Culture and talent are top of mind in the C-suite… Organization culture and the impact of Research from MIT suggests that social isolation at work Currently, too many conversations about culture are still 6 the pandemic on culture was a topic was growing even before the pandemic started. And anchored to space and place. And people say leaders in 53% of company earnings calls we one might think a quick 昀椀x is simply to bring everyone generally overestimate the connectedness of their people analyzed between January 2020 and back to work on-site and human connection will happen. by 2x. April 2022.4 And one in two CEOs are It’s not that simple. In fact, 42% of survey respondents investing to unlock people's potential to who work on-site reported being less connected than Organizational culture and supporting people within it can people working in a hybrid model (36%) or fully remote and should be the accelerator to seizing opportunities 5 now and into the future. Omni-connected experiences drive their business transformations. (22%). Why? They lacked 昀氀exibility and the tools to be most productive and connected, and they experienced a that result in a heightened sense of personal—and CEOs must also consider the mental health epidemic— greater sense of inequity. measurable business—impact truly thrive through vibrant, where the stress of the pandemic, isolation, social …but something is missing human relationships. upheaval, widening equity gaps and the global impacts of the war in Ukraine are taking an even greater toll on people’s resilience. People are not only experiencing a new world of work Leaders generally overestimate but living in a new world. It’s no surprise, then, that people’s fundamental idea of how to connect has also Coupled with this strain are signi昀椀cant economic the connectedness of their challenges—from supply chain disruptions to rising changed dramatically. And even though culture is on the people by 2x. minds of CEOs, are they truly looking at it as a strategic in昀氀ation to the tightest talent market we’ve seen in decades. Talent pools are shrinking, and many people are differentiator? fundamentally re-thinking their relationship with work— out of choice or necessity. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 7

Start by meeting human needs to unlock people’s full potential at work Our Net Better off framework sets the foundation for omni-connected experiences Financial Are people Net Better Off working Being financially secure without undue Emotional & mental economic stress or at your company? worry and having Feeling positive emotions and equitable opportunity maintaining mental wellness. Our Net Better Off framework uncovered the six human Just one-fourth (26%) of those surveyed said that their for future stability needs that contribute to unlocking two-thirds of a person’s organization has provided them with the physical and and advancement. potential at work (see 昀椀gure 1). And leaving people net mental support they need to be productive and to Relational better off by meeting these needs is the single most Employable Feeling a strong collaborate during these dif昀椀cult times. 27% of employees sense of belonging important predictor of successful omni-connected feel like they truly belong and bring their authentic selves Having market- 64% and inclusion; experiences. to the workplace. able, in-demand of work potential is having many strong capabilities and explained by the personal skills to obtain six dimensions of relationships. The majority of organizations invest most in the Financial & And only one in four feels that their company cares good jobs and advance in Net Better Off Employable needs—a job and a paycheck. Yet what matters about them. a career. more to unlocking potential are the Emotional & Mental, Relational and Purposeful needs. Purposeful Physical Feeling that one makes a Being in good A strong sense of inclusion and tools to support mental positive difference to the world physical health and and that life has meaning and a equipped to take on resilience are critical to helping people feel Net Better Off greater sense of purpose normal daily stresses. at work, yet there's a gap in what people need and what beyond oneself. leaders provide. Figure 1 Net Better Off addresses fundamental human needs. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 8

Creating value though omni-connected experiences: 4 key actions From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results

We developed insights from 1,100 Our 昀椀ndings also build on our prior research, focused on the bene昀椀ts of leaving people Net C-level executives and 5,000 Better Off at work. " You need to communicate like workers working in multiple roles crazy, be transparent about and ways—front-line and fully on- In doing so, we’ve identi昀椀ed the key actions everything you’re doing all the companies can take to create value for people site, hybrid and fully remote— and business through omni-connected employee time. You can’t communicate across 12 countries. experiences. enough in this environment. Keep communicating and 昀椀nding ways, digitally or otherwise, to keep people connected to your purpose. People need to know why they work for your company and if they don’t, they’re not going to work for you very long.”7 Chris Nasse琀琀a, President & CEO, Hilton From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 10

1 Instill modern leadership: Lead with empathy, transparency and trustworthiness Create connections in safe places. It’s one thing Listen, learn and act. To inspire trust, leaders need to make people feel safe and able to share their ideas to listen, learn and act—individually and collectively. and perspectives. It’s another thing entirely to ensure Start with a robust listening framework to make sure that leaders return that honesty with compassion all voices are heard, then turn those insights and and trust. Organizations need to invest in developing ideas into action. When people trust their leaders to leaders who make individuals feel safe and listen, act and be transparent about progress and respected. No one should feel diminished because feedback, more and better ideas will follow. they chose to speak up or show vulnerability. Be transparent to build trust. Feeling out of the loop, not understanding how your work contributes 8 to company goals or lacking constructive feedback Leadership traits that Modern CEOs are prioritizing : causes signi昀椀cant disconnection. Leaders must be willing to communicate openly and with compassion all the time, not just in times of crisis. Not only must they role model this themselves, they must foster it in their teams. 34% 34% 30% Empathy Transparency Trustworthiness 30% From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 11

| Case study | Healthier brains, healthier business Networking company Cisco has always had one eye on the future— both for its clients’ technological needs as well as its employees’ needs. Long before belonging or global disruption were top of mind across C-suites, Cisco built a psychologically safe culture based on trust. When the pandemic arrived, 87% of Cisco’s people already viewed the company as a psychologically and emotionally healthy workplace, so they were better prepared and supported for work under new, stressful conditions. To be sure, the C-suite held regular 75-minute check-ins to listen to employees and address questions, and also launched a 100-day “sprint” to tackle areas of racial inequity within the company. It’s all part of a "conscious culture" that’s woven into everything Cisco does, and it’s also why the company has held the #1 spot on Fortune’s list of “100 Best Companies to Work for,” two years 9 in a row. " Employees don’t want to be employees, they don’t want to work With its commitment to mental health, Cisco remains focused on for managers and they don’t want to work for executives. 吀栀ey creating an environment in which people want to work, not necessarily want to be human beings who work for other human beings. one where they have to work. And I think authentici琀礀 and the importance of being human, understanding the things they’re dealing with as humans, and building that into how you approach them in your day-to-day 10 work with them, is so important." Chuck Robbins, Chair & CEO, Cisco From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 12

2 Grow thriving culture: Nurture cultural norms that prioritize purpose, authenticity and psychological safety Connect people to purpose. The more that people understand how the work they do is aligned with the company’s greater purpose (beyond boosting the bottom line), the more ful昀椀lled and driven they will be. People become even more engaged when they can expand their skills and grow. Investing in people’s development and helping them achieve their aspirations is a clear signal to them that the work they do has meaning. Make it safe to be yourself. When people can demonstrate their strong sense of self, they forge stronger connections with their team. But this assumes leaders are creating safe spaces for people to be heard and seen—and demonstrating that different ideas and experiences matter to the success of the organization. Along with providing mental resilience resources and tools, leaders must be willing to show their own vulnerability and focus on self- care, which gives their team agency to do the same. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 13

| Case study | Safety 昀椀rst It’s easy to assume that a company like Atlassian, which creates collaboration tools, also has a culture of collaboration. It does—but it took dedication and a commitment to creating an environment based on psychological safety so that people can feel comfortable speaking up. The idea is that anyone is empowered to be an internal entrepreneur, with access to the resources they need to turn an idea into a new source of revenue. At Atlassian, people do rather than wait for instructions, all because they know they have the safety and freedom to speak up. They also have the freedom to choose when and where they work. Under Atlassian’s “Team Anywhere” model, people can work in any region where the company has a base and are compensated based on local labor costs. In-person experiences are valued, so everyone is required to be in the of昀椀ce for quarterly events. The company is also planning to create small co-working hubs in various geographies, so the company can build itself 11 around where people want to live. Atlassian has proven that when people experience a sense of safety and support, they return that offer of security with increased dedication and performance. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 14

3 Enable the agile organization: Take 昀氀exibility further and scale new ways of working Look beyond where—to what, when and how. Rede昀椀ne what it means to "come to work". What about front-line workers? After two-plus years of remote or hybrid work The entire notion of “coming to work” is ready for arrangements for millions of people, it’s easy to a refresh. That means 昀椀guring out how teams can Whether it’s health practitioners, grocery confuse the commute from the bed to the desk with maximize the bene昀椀ts of both time together and store clerks or delivery drivers, an the notion of 昀氀exibility. They’re not one and the same. time apart—and what matters most to people to estimated 2.7 billion front-line essential Location is only one small piece of the larger idea of make their commute worthwhile. It also requires 12 And workers keep our world working. while they may not have a choice in work 昀氀exibility, which should also consider what people thinking ahead and designing for people across work on, when they work and how. Today, fewer multiple types of work locations and arrangements. location, there are other areas of 昀氀exibility than one-fourth of workers surveyed feel they have And just like individuals, the entire organization must that companies can explore to provide more autonomy in their work experiences permission to be 昀氀exible and have the autonomy to be able to pivot quickly, given that work and world manage their time to be most productive. —through the tools they use, decisions circumstances will remain 昀氀uid. they make, bene昀椀ts they select and Create a 昀氀exibility framework. Flexibility will have schedules they keep. a different de昀椀nition or set of boundaries at every organization and for people in different roles. One It’s also an opportunity to take a more nuanced look at the roles and tasks which size never 昀椀ts all, not even most. It’s up to leaders to gain a clear understanding of where, when and how may offer greater 昀氀exibility when you apply an omni-connection lens. In one people work. From there, they can build a 昀氀exibility framework—moving away from rigid structures and example, lab workers were expected to hierarchies and designing instead around people work fully onsite. Yet after analyzing their and connectivity. They can then apply the framework different responsibilities, they found that based on people’s responsibilities to reach the best certain tasks—like recording lab notes or solution for the role and the individual. writing research grants—could be done productively outside the lab. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 15

| Case study | Flexible is also durable Finding the 昀氀exibility framework and solutions that 昀椀t each organization is essential—there is no one-size-昀椀ts-all option. American Express, which has been on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work for” list for 22 years, is raising the bar on 昀氀exible work in the 昀椀nancial sector. The company recently instituted its Amex Flex work initiative. People will work under one of three designations: onsite (4-5 days per week); hybrid (a mix of remote and in-of昀椀ce days when colleagues can connect); and fully remote. It’s just one facet, however, of a broader focus on people’s health and well-being. For example, Amex offers its people access to several free resources, such as wellness coaching, well-being checkups and screenings, counseling, dietician support and on-site and virtual 昀椀tness classes. The company also offers 20+ weeks of paid leave for all parents, as well as the opportunity to work for up to four calendar weeks a year from any location, during which people needn’t visit an of昀椀ce at all. The general idea is that supported colleagues 13 leads to supported customers. For Amex, tailoring 昀氀exibility to the organization and people’s needs drives future growth and innovation. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 16

4 Empower people through technology: Provide access to a robust foundation and the ability to experiment Establish a robust technology foundation. in their work. When people have this level of Companies that use cloud to build a seamless autonomy, a stronger sense of connection will technology and capability foundation are take hold along with new levels of innovation. able to support the ever-changing needs of the business by meeting the ever-changing Look beyond the tools of today. Those needs of people. At the start of the pandemic, companies that are expanding their people’s business continuity for many companies technology toolbox, along with their agency, depended on people’s equal access to stable are seeing the bene昀椀ts. Our research found internet service and the power of cloud to keep that 86% of workers surveyed who claim to them connected and collaborating. This robust experience omni-connection also reported technology foundation is essential to help upgrades to their company’s technology people work in new ways, wherever they need and skillsets, allowing them to work in new to be. ways. That means looking at the upside of emerging technology—like the metaverse—to Think like a technologist. Armed with access support equitable opportunities to participate and tools, the next step is to empower people and contribute. It’s also worth exploring the with collaboration technology like Teams, promise of human-machine collaboration. Zoom or WebEx, along with a decent Bluetooth By allowing seamless collaboration between headset. These are still vital, but access isn’t humans and machines, people can contribute empowerment. Companies need to encourage to higher-value work and experience a greater their people to think like technologists and sense of purpose. experiment—using the data and tools in their hands to discover new processes and solutions From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 17

| Case study | The right tools, not more tools Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, sees technology as essential for supporting its people. Over 700,000 of its front-line workers are being offered a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, paid for by the company and loaded with the We@Walmart app that allows people to clock in and out, connect with colleagues, ask questions of a voice-activated personal assistant and Combining multiple tools into one app isn’t more. just good for associates who, through the depths of the pandemic, put in long hours to serve their local communities; it’s also good for recruiting in a tight labor market. Walmart is showing its people that it trusts them to use technology in ways that best suit them individually—people can swap shifts through the app, for example—to make their jobs and lives more 14 manageable and 昀氀exible. Walmart is letting technology play a supporting role in people’s productivity and connectedness—not the starring role. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 18

Our change journey in action From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results

Accenture is built on omni-connected experiences That is, we preach the power of omni-connected people Some key learnings: We discovered that, because we’ve seen the bene昀椀ts for ourselves. In truth, across all regions, our people value 昀氀exibility we had an advantage heading into the pandemic, since most, along with working collaboratively many of our people around the world had already worked and engaging in meaningful, in-person on remote teams for years. So, we were prepared to think conversations. about and set in motion a robust plan for helping our people feel even more connected and included, ensuring We always remind ourselves, as we do with that they know they belong. our clients, that the work of being omni- connected and strengthening culture doesn’t These actions guided our efforts: end—it evolves. As we embrace continuous change, the journey involves listening to your 1. Meeting the needs of our people through our Net Better people, gauging progress and acting with Off framework. intention to close gaps. 2. Completing external benchmarking and also listening to We apply a sophisticated listening framework our own people. that includes our Transformation GPS tool to establish a baseline, track progress on 3. Examining our own ways of working, how our people our change journey by understanding our connect with each other. people’s experience, and continually power our transformation—benchmarked against 500 organizations around the world. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 20

Below is just a snapshot of our recent efforts • Results are viewed in aggregate, as well as at local and toward improving our own sense of belonging and business unit levels, so actions can be tailored, swift and connection. impactful. " In the future, successful companies will do three things • In 2021, we collected over 900,000 pieces of feedback All of this was achieved against the backdrop of from employees. implementing a new growth model in nine months during with respect to talent. 吀栀ey the pandemic. In FY21 we went on to deliver record • We found key learnings against a number of omni- will be able to access talent. performance, with signi昀椀cant market share gains and connected levers, including modern leadership, thriving 吀栀ey will be talent creators, not strong pro昀椀tability. And we promoted a historic 120,000 culture and agile organization. people last year and welcomed 100,000 more to our 15 just consumers, unlocking the Accenture family. potential of talent. And they will • We’ve seen passion, inspiration and drive soar, enabling us to build on that momentum. And we also get use technology to complement early warning signs when people are experiencing talent…吀栀ose three things are distress and anxiety, so we can work to address them what great companies have to proactively. do in the next decade to be a • The results have guided us to heighten efforts around great place to work.” team mental health, belonging and time protection, as well as recognizing and rewarding leaders for the shared success they create across our 360° Value Julie Sweet, Chair & CEO, Accenture framework. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 21

Make the (omni) connection From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results

Omni-connected employee experiences meet leaders’ goals for growth, speed and sustainability—and employees’ needs for 昀氀exibility, equity and meaning. To do so, they must be envisioned and executed with trust at heart and value at the core. Companies that embrace this opportunity strengthen culture strategically, unlock people’s potential and move their organizations forward, by design. Most CEOs would agree that the past two years can be de昀椀ned as an equal mix of unpredictability and tough decisions. Working toward omni-connected experiences, however, is the opposite. It results in lasting, positive outcomes for people and the business alike. That, of course, makes it one of the best investments a leader can make. " Introducing a more agile and connected s琀礀le of leadership was key to becoming more centered on customers, creating cultural change, and turning our business around. We kept things simple, turned managers into agile leaders, and got colleagues on board with new ways of working. 吀栀e di昀昀erence is incredible.” Mike Hancox, CEO, Yodel From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 23

About the research We took a multi-method approach using four proprietary research initiatives. 1. Survey 2. Interviews and multiple case studies Accenture Research conducted a survey of 5,000 workers How we measured omni-connection: We triangulated our 昀椀ndings from the large-scale primary across skill levels, as well as 1,100 C-level executives. Both data (survey and in-depth interviews with 15 C-level surveys were conducted in 12 countries: Australia, Brazil, Step 1: We assessed the strength of connection employees executives). We also collected more than 50 case studies Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Singapore, have to their organization, team and work. through secondary research and interviews, focusing on Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the Unites States. initiatives that organizations are undertaking to enable Respondents came from 10 industries: Banking, Insurance Step 2: We completed a factor analysis to ensure unique omni-connected experiences. & Capital Markets; Communications & Media; Consumer but related constructs. Goods & Services; Energy (Oil and Gas); Health; Life Sciences; Public Sector; Retail; High Tech; and Utilities. The Step 3: We enforced reliability measures of a Cronbach survey was conducted between July and August 2021. alpha of .7 or higher. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 24

3. Economic value modeling • Hustle score, created from an average of four items We combined CXO survey insights on organizational that describe the culture of a highly competitive culture with econometric modeling to estimate: organizational mindset, with employees working beyond what is expected of them during a normal • Impact on a company’s 昀椀nancial results; working day; • Effect on workers’ Net Better Off scores through • Net Better Off score: physical, emotional, relational, improved omni-connectedness; purposeful, employable and 昀椀nancial well-being (average of six dimensions); • Reduction in “hustle culture” behaviors. • Relationship between organizational culture We did this in two steps: characteristics like omni-connectedness and level of hustle, and companies’ Net Better Off score (regression First, we used the CXOs survey results to estimate: analysis). • Omni-connectedness score consisting of three Then, we examined the relationship between Net Better dimensions: connectedness to the organization, Off and revenue growth from earlier research and to the team and to work (average of three academic papers to estimate the effects on 昀椀nancial dimensions); performance. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 25

4. Data science analysis on earnings calls To better understand the focus on issues related to Finally, we selected the top 50 companies with the highest organizational culture and changes in work during omni-connectedness and 昀椀ltered out earnings calls results disruptions, we collected and analyzed earnings call for them. Then we performed the same statistical analysis transcripts. on this sample. First, we created groups of words categorized by relevant For details please see: Care to Do Better (Accenture, 2020). Talent and Organization topics. Then we collected ~40,000 transcripts of ~8,700 global companies for the Green, Huang, Wen, and Zhou, “Crowdsourced Employer period of January 2020 to April 2022 that mention the Reviews and Stock Returns” (2018), Journal of Financial Economics. topics of interest. We 昀椀ltered all relevant keywords and counted their mentions by company over time to estimate frequency, intensity and variety of relevant topics. To produce revenue growth estimates, We then explored the speci昀椀cs of omni-connected we sourced S&P Capital IQ 昀椀nancial companies. Using the CXO survey we could assess data of ~3,000 global companies companies by their omni-connectedness. respecting size, industry and country features of the CXO survey. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 26

References 1 Accenture Research analysis on Workers and CXO survey 2019, 7 Fortune article. "What it takes to be considered a great employer 14 Walmart. Retrieved from: CXO survey 2021, Capital IQ and Green, Huang, Wen, and Zhou, during the Great Resignation". Retrieved from: https://fortune. resourcesandtools/hrtopics/technology/pages/walmart-new-app- "Crowdsourced Employer Reviews and Stock Returns" (2018), com/2022/04/26/great-employer-great-resignation-ceo-daily/ future-of-hr-tech.aspx Journal of Financial Economics 8 % of CEOs who strongly agree/agree who believe these traits are 15 Accenture Annual Report 2021. Retrieved from: https://www. 2 A 2021 study by the University of Chicago and the Mexico being considered more important than before Accenture. CXO Autonomous Institute of Technology. Retrieved from: https:// Pulse Survey. July, 2020. N=100. Report.pdf working-home 9 Cisco. Retrieved from: en/us/a/y2021/m02/it-s-time-to-get-sel昀椀sh-and-put-your-people- 3 Duke Fuqua School of Business article. "Leadership isn't about 昀椀rst.html you - It's about everybody else, CEO says." Retreived from: 10 Fortune article. "What it takes to be considered a great employer speakers-series-beth-ford-leadership-isn%E2%80%99t-about- during the Great Resignation". Retrieved from: https://fortune. you-it%E2%80%99s-about com/2022/04/26/great-employer-great-resignation-ceo-daily/ 4 Accenture data science analysis of earnings call transcripts of 11 Atlassian. Retrieved from: ~8,700 global companies for the period of January 2020 to April petercohan/2021/05/05/culture-of-innovation-drives-atlassians-38- 2022. growth/?sh=5c4624d56de5 5 Accenture CxO Pulse, June/July 2021, n=3200. 12 Emergence, The Rise of Deskless Workers, 2018. Retrieved from: 6 MIT Sloan article. “Are your team members lonely?” Retrieved from: 13 American Express. Retrieved from: members-lonely/ com/all-news/news-details/2021/American-Express-Introducing- Amex-Flex--Our-New-Way-Of-Working/default.aspx From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 27

Authors Thank you Marketing Content Lead: Courtney Bonanno Ellyn Shook Research Lead: Mamta Kapur Chief Leadership & Human Research Team: Gabriela Burlacu, Svenja Falk, Francis Hintermann, Resources Of昀椀cer, Accenture Carrie Kleiner, David Light, Sankara Narayanan, Ranjan Ramdas, Tchicaya Robertson, Reggie Romain, Abira Sathiyanathan, Pragati Sharma, Nataliya Sysenko, Christine Yiannakis Christie Smith The authors of the report would like to thank the following executives, practitioners and partners for their valuable Lead - Talent & Organization/ contributions: Alex Aizenberg, Marc Appel, Eric Arnold, Marjorie Human Potential Arnold, Knar Bedian, Luciana Boschetti, Chalmer Canizares, Justin Chatigny, Stephen Connors, Marty Cowman, Mark Emerson, Emer Finnegan, Niamh Foran, Karen Harte, Andy James, Kadence, Joanne Kaufman, Ruth Keane, Sinead Kennedy, Noelani Kimura, Jill Kramer, Harish Kumar, Sandra Najem, Rodrigo Lima, Paddy Lynch, Kathy Mancini, Eddie Matz, John McDermott, Aoife McEvoy, McGuire Research, Andreea-Lucia Macsiniuc, Winston Mendoza, Maxi González Narváez, Heather Niebel, Dylan O’Brien, Beatsy Pearl Orit, Jane O’Hara, Isaiah Papellero, Heather Parker, Alan Payne, Jenny Redohl, Ivens Ribeiro Silva, Laura Stef-Praun, Katy Rosati, Julie Roth, Emilio Sarubbi, Karen Saverino, Sheryl Sober, Heather Spring, Marcos Testa, Ash Tutt, Paige Walker, Ashley Williams, Brian Yamada FFrrom alwom alwaayys connected to omni-connected: s connected to omni-connected: CrCreeating omni-connected eating omni-connected experiencexperiences to strs to strengthen culturengthen culturee, deepen trust and driv, deepen trust and drive re reesults sults 28

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