Embracing agility in Growth Markets during uncertain times Enterprises in Growth Markets have been navigating a difficult and an uncertain economic environment not unlike their Figure 4 Uncertainty and compressed transformation global counterparts. In these unpredictable times, they need to In the last two years, one in two companies in Growth Markets have had to transform multiple parts of quickly adapt to new circumstances, adopt new technologies their business at the same time or execute a single large transformation much faster than ever before. and remain nimble in order to thrive. With the integration of During the COVID-19 crisis, i.e., last 2 years in Growth Markets, my organization various enterprise applications and technologies, people and has (agree + strongly agree) processes, they can untangle value from chaos and accelerate Speed growth. 48% When we surveyed ~1,300 C-suite respondents from mid-to- 50% large companies in Growth Markets, we found that in the last 51% two years alone, one in two have had to transform multiple Adopted tech and transformed business much faster than ever before parts of their business at the same time or execute a single Scope large transformation much faster than ever before. We call this 40% 38% 40% compressed transformation (Figure 4). 41% Transformed multiple parts of the business at the same time The question is: Scale 37% How did they do it? 36% 40% Handled exponential growth in online business/hybrid work arrangements North America Growth Markets Europe N= 1,501 (NA), 1,260 (Europe), 1,292 (Growth Markets) Note: The percentages represent aggregate of respondents selecting “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”. Growth Markets includes Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Latin America regions.

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