Accenture is built on omni-connected experiences That is, we preach the power of omni-connected people Some key learnings: We discovered that, because we’ve seen the bene昀椀ts for ourselves. In truth, across all regions, our people value 昀氀exibility we had an advantage heading into the pandemic, since most, along with working collaboratively many of our people around the world had already worked and engaging in meaningful, in-person on remote teams for years. So, we were prepared to think conversations. about and set in motion a robust plan for helping our people feel even more connected and included, ensuring We always remind ourselves, as we do with that they know they belong. our clients, that the work of being omni- connected and strengthening culture doesn’t These actions guided our efforts: end—it evolves. As we embrace continuous change, the journey involves listening to your 1. Meeting the needs of our people through our Net Better people, gauging progress and acting with Off framework. intention to close gaps. 2. Completing external benchmarking and also listening to We apply a sophisticated listening framework our own people. that includes our Transformation GPS tool to establish a baseline, track progress on 3. Examining our own ways of working, how our people our change journey by understanding our connect with each other. people’s experience, and continually power our transformation—benchmarked against 500 organizations around the world. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating omni-connected experiences to strengthen culture, deepen trust and drive results 20

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