Omni-connected employee experiences meet leaders’ goals for growth, speed and sustainability—and employees’ needs for 昀氀exibility, equity and meaning. To do so, they must be envisioned and executed with trust at heart and value at the core. Companies that embrace this opportunity strengthen culture strategically, unlock people’s potential and move their organizations forward, by design. Most CEOs would agree that the past two years can be de昀椀ned as an equal mix of unpredictability and tough decisions. Working toward omni-connected experiences, however, is the opposite. It results in lasting, positive outcomes for people and the business alike. That, of course, makes it one of the best investments a leader can make. " Introducing a more agile and connected s琀礀le of leadership was key to becoming more centered on customers, creating cultural change, and turning our business around. We kept things simple, turned managers into agile leaders, and got colleagues on board with new ways of working. 吀栀e di昀昀erence is incredible.” Mike Hancox, CEO, Yodel From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 23

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