Start by meeting human needs to unlock people’s full potential at work Our Net Better off framework sets the foundation for omni-connected experiences Financial Are people Net Better Off working Being financially secure without undue Emotional & mental economic stress or at your company? worry and having Feeling positive emotions and equitable opportunity maintaining mental wellness. Our Net Better Off framework uncovered the six human Just one-fourth (26%) of those surveyed said that their for future stability needs that contribute to unlocking two-thirds of a person’s organization has provided them with the physical and and advancement. potential at work (see 昀椀gure 1). And leaving people net mental support they need to be productive and to Relational better off by meeting these needs is the single most Employable Feeling a strong collaborate during these dif昀椀cult times. 27% of employees sense of belonging important predictor of successful omni-connected feel like they truly belong and bring their authentic selves Having market- 64% and inclusion; experiences. to the workplace. able, in-demand of work potential is having many strong capabilities and explained by the personal skills to obtain six dimensions of relationships. The majority of organizations invest most in the Financial & And only one in four feels that their company cares good jobs and advance in Net Better Off Employable needs—a job and a paycheck. Yet what matters about them. a career. more to unlocking potential are the Emotional & Mental, Relational and Purposeful needs. Purposeful Physical Feeling that one makes a Being in good A strong sense of inclusion and tools to support mental positive difference to the world physical health and and that life has meaning and a equipped to take on resilience are critical to helping people feel Net Better Off greater sense of purpose normal daily stresses. at work, yet there's a gap in what people need and what beyond oneself. leaders provide. Figure 1 Net Better Off addresses fundamental human needs. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 8

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