4. Data science analysis on earnings calls To better understand the focus on issues related to Finally, we selected the top 50 companies with the highest organizational culture and changes in work during omni-connectedness and 昀椀ltered out earnings calls results disruptions, we collected and analyzed earnings call for them. Then we performed the same statistical analysis transcripts. on this sample. First, we created groups of words categorized by relevant For details please see: Care to Do Better (Accenture, 2020). Talent and Organization topics. Then we collected ~40,000 transcripts of ~8,700 global companies for the Green, Huang, Wen, and Zhou, “Crowdsourced Employer period of January 2020 to April 2022 that mention the Reviews and Stock Returns” (2018), Journal of Financial Economics. topics of interest. We 昀椀ltered all relevant keywords and counted their mentions by company over time to estimate frequency, intensity and variety of relevant topics. To produce revenue growth estimates, We then explored the speci昀椀cs of omni-connected we sourced S&P Capital IQ 昀椀nancial companies. Using the CXO survey we could assess data of ~3,000 global companies companies by their omni-connectedness. respecting size, industry and country features of the CXO survey. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 26

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