3 Enable the agile organization: Take 昀氀exibility further and scale new ways of working Look beyond where—to what, when and how. Rede昀椀ne what it means to "come to work". What about front-line workers? After two-plus years of remote or hybrid work The entire notion of “coming to work” is ready for arrangements for millions of people, it’s easy to a refresh. That means 昀椀guring out how teams can Whether it’s health practitioners, grocery confuse the commute from the bed to the desk with maximize the bene昀椀ts of both time together and store clerks or delivery drivers, an the notion of 昀氀exibility. They’re not one and the same. time apart—and what matters most to people to estimated 2.7 billion front-line essential Location is only one small piece of the larger idea of make their commute worthwhile. It also requires 12 And workers keep our world working. while they may not have a choice in work 昀氀exibility, which should also consider what people thinking ahead and designing for people across work on, when they work and how. Today, fewer multiple types of work locations and arrangements. location, there are other areas of 昀氀exibility than one-fourth of workers surveyed feel they have And just like individuals, the entire organization must that companies can explore to provide more autonomy in their work experiences permission to be 昀氀exible and have the autonomy to be able to pivot quickly, given that work and world manage their time to be most productive. —through the tools they use, decisions circumstances will remain 昀氀uid. they make, bene昀椀ts they select and Create a 昀氀exibility framework. Flexibility will have schedules they keep. a different de昀椀nition or set of boundaries at every organization and for people in different roles. One It’s also an opportunity to take a more nuanced look at the roles and tasks which size never 昀椀ts all, not even most. It’s up to leaders to gain a clear understanding of where, when and how may offer greater 昀氀exibility when you apply an omni-connection lens. In one people work. From there, they can build a 昀氀exibility framework—moving away from rigid structures and example, lab workers were expected to hierarchies and designing instead around people work fully onsite. Yet after analyzing their and connectivity. They can then apply the framework different responsibilities, they found that based on people’s responsibilities to reach the best certain tasks—like recording lab notes or solution for the role and the individual. writing research grants—could be done productively outside the lab. From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 15

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