The omni-connected premium People and business both bene昀椀t from omni-connected experiences in meaningful ways: Financial: Omni-connected companies Productivity: Of employees who bene昀椀t experience a 7.4% revenue growth premium from omni-connected experiences, over 90% 1 per year. say they can be productive anywhere—and that’s not just perception. In a 2021 study by Trust: People bene昀椀ting from omni-connected the University of Chicago and the Mexico experiences are 29% more likely to experience Autonomous Institute of Technology, 40% a deeper level of trust toward their organization of respondents found their work-from-home and team. Where there’s greater trust, people productivity to be greater than when they’re are 35% more likely to deliver high-quality work on-site (just 15% felt the opposite).2 Leadership has actually very li琀琀le to do with and nurture work relationships that, among Yet only 17% of the people we surveyed felt " other things, foster innovation. you. It actually has to do with everybody else. they were bene昀椀tting from omni-connected It’s simple—enable somebody else’s success. Be Retention: Being omni-connected accounts experiences at work. The opportunity is a good person, be a good partner, care about for 59% of an employee’s intention to stay. there to seize. When the cultural norms of the company have them and really mean it. When you do that, people feeling that they work for a purposeful you’ll be surprised at the success you can have organization, that they can create value and be effective in their team, they’re more likely to as a team.”3 stay. These all matter more than a slightly bigger paycheck. Beth Ford, President & CEO, Land O’Lakes From always connected to omni-connected: Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences 6

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